KONA MOBILITY is continuing to challenge themselves for upcoming 4th industrial revolution.
2011 - 2020
- 2020 Developed FOTA solution as a operation controller for Hyundai Motors
- 2019 Renamed the company to expand the business scope: KONA MOBILITY Corporation
- 2019 Developed IVI platform, OTA, for Hyundai Motors
- 2019 Developed CCU platform, OTA, for Hyundai Motors
- 2018 Developed telematics for commercial vehicles for Hyundai Motors
- 2018 Developed OTA specifications for commercial vehicles for Hyundai Motors
- 2017 Supplied Kids Phone DM Client for LGU+ and operated server system
- 2017 Developed OTA specifications for Hyundai Motors
- 2014 Renamed the company from being transferred to KONA I affiliates: KONA S Corporation
2000 - 2010
- Supplied Safe DM Client to Samsung Electronics (currently providing)
- Supplied KIES Client Solution to Samsung Electronics
- Safe DS Client to LG Electronics
- Established Websync Corporation
- 10-2088164
Generation and device for the differentials between old and new data for the software update
- 10-2088167
Software update agent device and patch method from them
- 10-2088170
Data structuring method and its device by the differential between old and new data
- 10-1958189
Smart locking device and locking service method in the use of it
- 10-1582174
Information sharing method and the device performing the sharing
- 10-1402956
How to grant authority on the DM server and authority granting system
- 10-1341003
Firmware updating method and device for it
- 10-1307379
Application implementation controlling method for mobile device
- 10-1298852
File restoring method and the system for it 10-1286378
- 10-1286378
File synchronizing method and the system for it (1)
- 10-1286434
File synchronizing method and the system for it (2)
- 10-1262201
Application implementing control method and the system for it
- 10-12173882
Mobile power control method and the device for implementation of it
- 10-1215810
Application program control method and the system for it
- 10-1158239
Mobile device controlled by text message, mobile control device in the use of text message, and its method and system
- 10-1156770
Firmware upgrading method and the system for it (2)
- 10-0928713
Updating method of the compressed software image and the device performing it
- 10-0927446
Transaction unit firmware upgrading method of the mobile communication device and upgrade system for firmware in the use of them
- 10-0876295
How to generate opposite delta file and restore firmware in the use of them
- 10-0876212
Software updating method in the read-only file system in mobile device